How to lose weight at home: step -by -step instructions

Many people are overweight and don’t want or can’t go to the gym.lose weight girl at homeThey live at home and want to lose weight. Yes, you can lose weight at home, but you still need to practice. But first things first.

In general, losing weight at home is no different from losing weight in the gym (however, the body is the same) and consists of four components:

  • Diet(40% success);
  • Cardio load(30%success);
  • A set of exercises(20% success);
  • Sports nutrition(10% success).

Moreover, these components are arranged in order of importance. If sports nutrition is negligible, and unnecessary, then diet is fundamental. Let's start with it.

By the way, I forgot to warn you, the topic of losing weight at home is too broad to be included in one article. Therefore, this article will consist of links to other articles.

1. Diet

Those who do not want to count anything can do otherwise - compile a menu for themselves. But for this, you need to know the basic basics of nutrition for weight loss: 5 principles of nutrition for weight loss. And also find out how many calories you need to eat each day: How many calories you need to eat each day to lose weight.

2. Cardio load

It is designed to speed up metabolism and make your body use more energy. For example, a girl weighing 60 kg will take in about 350 kcal for 30 minutes of slow walking. And this is about 20% of its daily cost.

Any physical activity where your average heart rate is about 130 beats per minute or higher is suitable as a cardio load. It can be walking, cardiovascular equipment, swimming, cycling, playing football, sex. Whatever.

A very important parameter is the frequency of cardio training. It is better to train 3 days in a row for 30 minutes than one day 1. 30. Ideally, you should do 4 to 5 cardio exercises per week for at least 40 minutes. From 40 minutes to 60. But this is if you do not use the third component.

3. A set of exercises

This refers to training with dumbbells, barbells and other weights. Many will ask: why are they needed if the goal is to lose weight. The answer is simple. This exercise is only needed to make sure your muscles are not broken as much as possible.

Agree that a beautiful figure is built not only from the absence of fat, but also when having enough muscle. When you start losing weight, your body burns fat and muscle indiscriminately. And strength training "forces" your body to maintain muscle. They seemed to say to him: "Dude, you see that the external environment makes your muscles work. Save them! In a situation like that, they remain useful to you. "

4. Sports nutrition

This item is an option for weight loss. But sports nutrition can make this process easier and a little faster. These include complex fat burners, L-carnitine, protein and amino acids.


  1. As you can see, the process of losing weight is not just based on one diet. More precisely, it is based solely on diet. And you will definitely lose weight, even if not very effectively. But, first, in such cases, the diet should be stricter. And you may not be able to follow a diet like this for the rest of your life. And second, your muscle will be equal to fat. Muscles will even disappear earlier.
  2. Personally, I advise you to implement all 4 components at the same time. However, if you have a very poor level of physical fitness, then in the first month you can limit yourself to doing some exercises without a load of cardio.
  3. The optimal weight loss rate is 4-5 kg per month. If you lose weight faster, this means you are losing muscle along with fat.
  4. If you use cardio workouts and a set of exercises, then ideally there should be about 5 workouts per week. 2 - 3 cardio exercises, and 2 - 3 exercises with barbells and dumbbells. You can read more about their combination here. Good luck!

I repeat once again that this weight loss component is optional. But, with proper use, it can be very good for those who lose weight very hard.